Журнал исторических, политологических и международных исследований

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Journal of History, Politics and International Studies
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Scientific journal  "Journal of History, Politics and International Studies" is an open access web publishing, which publishes articles, reports, reviews and other materials of educational, scientific, humanitarian, socio-economic and cultural-educational nature and provides the opportunity for faculty, doctoral students, graduate students, practitioners to present the results of their research for consideration to the widest audience possible.

Registered by the Ministry of information of the Donetsk People’s Republic. Certificate ААА, №000149, 20.06.2017 г. 

Year of foundation – 1999

Form of distribution: open access web publishing

Domain name of the site: donnu.ru/mhpmo

Publication frequency: 4 times a year

Languages: Russian, English

Place of publication: Donetsk.

Founder: Donetsk national university

Subject: history, political science

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The articles are published in Russian and English languages

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