Журнал исторических, политологических и международных исследований

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Journal of History, Politics and International Studies
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The editorial board of the "Journal of History, Politics and International Studies" is based on the recommendations of the Committee of Publication Ethics, as well as valuable experience of domestic and international journals and publishers.

Submission of articles and other materials to the editorial board should correspond to the topics of the publication, contain generalizations, conclusions that are of interest by its novelty, scientific and practical significance. The editors shall not consider manuscripts simultaneously submitted or already published in any other print or electronic publishing.

The articles submitted to the journal are reviewed by members of the editorial board or specialists of the article. Review of the article reveals the topicality, scientific novelty degree, determines the conformance of the text to the general journal profile, fixes the presence of plagiarism, academic negligence and bad faith. Reviewers’ recommendations are the basis for the final decision on publication of the article. In case of detection of plagiarism or falsification of results, the article shall be rejected unconditionally.

In case of presence of any conflicts of interests (financial, academic, personal, etc.), participants of the reviewing process should inform the editorial board. All disputes shall be considered by the editorial board.

The article accepted for publication shall be posted on the journal site for open access.

Procedure for reviewing manuscripts of articles.

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